Friday, December 31, 2010

Twenty Eleven Here We Come.

Hi People,
What's up? I guess this will be the last entry for year 2010. 
Recently, I have been trying my hands in wire-wrapping. No knowledge whatsoever, I tried and tried, a lot of wires wasted, pierced bloody fingers and finally managed to make some pendants and necklace. Not that I am too proud of my-not-so-perfect wraps, but it was worth the time and effort. Above is my version of peas in pod pendants using Sarawak ceramic beads.

Currently, I'm still practising using cheap wires, and the beads are Sarawak ceramic/clay beads. Each are individually handmade, painted and baked (baked? not to sure what is the correct term :). Quite hard to find them exactly the same pattern and size. So the outcome of my pendants are different and unique.

So there you go. I am still learning the skills through free online tutorials. If any of you wish to learn wire-wrapping, there are some classes conducted by experts such as Kak Mas of WhimsicalnQuirky . You can check her site for more info on the classes.

I wish you all a very Happy Brand New Year 2011. Thank you for all support and trust. May 2011 will be a better year for all of us. 
Insya- Allah.


mangosteenskin said...

So proud of you! these peas in a pod really caught my attention!!

Unknown said...

thanks so much manggis... :)